Valkyria Mortuary Structure


Body height storage equipment with sliding trays


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Fluid Retention

Fluid Retention

Trays are lowered for liquid retention and easy cleaning

Tunable Fixation

Tunable Fixation

Set spacers to avoid oscillations inside the mortuary chamber

Modular Concept

Modular Concept

Product designed for customized solutions for the number of components

Accessories and options
Stainless Steel AISI 316

Stainless Steel AISI 316

Increased resistance to oxidation, corrosion and chemical action

Copper Components

Copper Components

Copper handling parts for extraordinary anti-germ protection

More in Mortuary
Not marketable in Portugal, Spain and Italy

Not marketable in Portugal, Spain and Italy

Article produced on an exclusive basis. More information on commercial conditions on request.

Bespoke manufacturing

Bespoke manufacturing

Possibility of personalized adjustment to customer needs

PVC protective coating

PVC protective coating

Ensuring material surface integrity on delivery

Stainless steel AISI 304/304L

Stainless steel AISI 304/304L

Integral manufacture of brushed steel resistant to corrosion and oxidation